Cat gadget

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Cat gadget

Most of us have our own cat. I also have my cat named Blackie. A cat that is well cared for is a cat that will be interested in active playtime and in calm relaxation. That’s what I did all this time. So today, I’m gonna share with you about…

Lego mobile phone

Leaked images of what appears to be the world’s first Lego mobile phone have appeared on the internet. The brightly coloured Alcatel phone has been styled to look like as if built of red, blue and yellow Lego bricks. Lego is known to be keen to enter the digital age…

Life Saving Green Gadgets

Are you still giving your kids those China made plastic toys and mobile phones? Please check again on Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS) issues as most of the factories are following these rules in their production line. Stay safe by using only eco friendly gadgets. Even famous automotive manufacturers…